
How to Talk About Career Aspirations in Interviews

How to Talk About Career Aspirations in Interviews

mentoringtime March 23, 2023

“What are your career aspirations?” is probably the most commonly asked question in every job interview that catches people off guard. This seemingly simple question can be intimidating to answer on the spot. Here’s the real tricky part: If you’re getting asked questions about your career aspirations at a job interview, during a performance review at work, or while meeting with a career mentor, you’d better have something good to say to make good impression!

That part about “having something good to say” is probably why you’re here. This post will help you understand why this question comes up and how to answer it in a way that inspires confidence.

Why do they ask questions about career aspirations?

Hiring managers typically ask applicants a long list of questions to gauge whether those applicants can succeed in the role. In most cases, hiring managers want to see you do well. And if you’ve made it to the interview process, it means you’re a strong enough candidate to consider.

However, companies need to be sure you’re a good fit. That means the hiring and interviewing process requires digging into your skills (technical and interpersonal), working style, personality, and more, all to see if these things fit with their company’s goals and objectives.

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